Job 37:14”Listen to this Job (TISA); STOP AND CONSIDER GOD’S WONDERS. Hey Hey now!!!! My 1st blog post via the wix app and I am just playing around with it but the Holy Spirit instantly instructed me to take it seriously and make this meaningful. Sooooo... I found 3 pictures in my photo gallery that stood out the most and decided to share em and blog about it! Being that I am on a new spiritual journey I try my best to find a scripture to validate my thoughts! Thanks to good ol google search... I found this scripture that goes with my 3 photos. (Oh and this iPhone XR is the truth!!!! My daughter told me once I switched from Samsung I would be hooked! But ta rah... I’m still testing it for my 44 year old self!) Ooops... Lemme get back on track. About these 3 pictures and Job 37:14... ABSOLUTELY PERFECT REFLECTION of my current situation! Currently, feeling like Job because I have lost almost everything in my past season! Yeesss... past season.. I am looking on and trying to forget about what was behind me. Ohhh hol’ up... I found another scripture for that. Luke 9:62 Jesus said to him, “ No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God.” Whhheeeewww Chile... google search is on it today!!!! Biblestudytools.com is about to be my new favorite site! Dang it off track again... As I was saying, I am feeling like Job so I had to add my name to the scripture Job 37:14 ”Listen to this, Job (TISA); STOP AND CONSIDER GOD’S WONDERS.” Looking at these pictures I truly can see that’s exactly what I did.... I STOPPED AND CHECKED OUT GOD‘S Wonders... in ATLANTA, GA. God placed this beautiful creation on rocks, water, dirt, and greenery in Lithonia, Ga. Y’all see how good God is... he created an escape for me during my time of troubles! If you are feeling down or perhaps you’ve lost more than you could’ve ever imagine; I challenge you to seek some nature wherever you may be and put your name in that scripture! Do what it says and watch God work in your favor too! Well I pray this bless someone today and I look forward to sharing more of my Life on Edge with you!
Peace & Blessings.